Trials into Trumphs

Sometimes life hits harder than normal and while I can be super positive in a moment I want to start by being really honest. 

When your laid off from your job and are already struggling financially and you run over a pair of scissors  after dropping off our homeschool kids and pop your tire open and need to completely replace your tire, that’s unexpected and then if the following week you fall and fracture your foot on the last step, well…well that brings you up to date on where I am at needless to say it’s been a rough last few weeks. 

Yet God is gracious and God is good, things could have been so much worse if all the kids hadn’t already been dropped off it could have been a much harder day. 

Or when I fell I wasn’t alone in fact not only was my sister in law with me but I was surrounded by wonderful godly women at my church. I felt so very cared for.

So without further ado 5 reasons that having a fractured foot can be a blessing:

  1. Time to really meditate in the word of God. Sometimes I can get so busy in the day to day that time in the word is so much more like an item on a checklist then it is a time to talk to the Lord and listen to what he’s telling me. During this time of recuperation I am hoping to spend some much needed time soaking in the word of God.
  1. Creative workouts, no seriously I am determined to figure out how to get a workout in because the last time I fractured my other foot (yep this is the second time, and I can either laugh or cry about that or probably a little of both) it was a rough 6 weeks and I gained a lot of weight this time I need to figure out how to not let depression set in and rise above circumstances, will this be a struggle yes, but can it be turned around for good absolutely!
  1. More time to blog, I am really hoping that while I am a bit laid up it will allow for some much needed blogging time. 
  1. Your socks go twice as far, haha as I came close to crying putting on only one sock I laughed out loud at the idea that suddenly my socks would go a great deal farther, hopefully you can get a giggle out of this too.
  1. Although this is nothing and I mean nothing like what the church in Acts went through while being persecuted. Acts 5:40-41 says this 


 40 And to him they agreed: and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.41 And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.

It is so easy to be frustrated and downcast during hard times and to let self piety and depression set in. But how often do we take time like the apostles did and praise God for counting us worthy to suffer for the sake of Christ. Is this easy no! But when we take a moment and praise God for the suffering he receives glory and honor.

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